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Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Ergonomics in Car

A.                Display and support Instrument
The power in seen in human is depend on external factors, they are.
1.         Contrast lightning
2.         Bright lightning
3.         Comparison of lightning
4.          A glare
            In the dashboard, there is a important instrument like speedometer, tachometer, odometer, trimpmeter, etc. It also placed the ventilation system and other ancillary equipment. design speedometer, tachometer, odometer, trimpmeter must be seen clearly by the person. The both of instrument (speedometer and tachometer) can be made digitally, but, it will be hard for people to watch it when the number is increase rapidly, so in design of them, the letter must bigger and the colour of that letter must be bright but not shiny. Beside that, the both of instrument can be made too with manually. Manually means used a needle guide with have a scalar between 0 until 200 for speedometer. When you drive your car, the needle will be move up and it show your velocity. The choosen for letter and for the number must be depend on with this rulem they are :
1.         Can be read easily
2.         The distance readings is 30 centimeters
3.         The light is not shiny
4.         The colour for the letter is not shiny

B.        Steering wheel
Steering wheel is a instrument for car which is not deleted in design for the car. The type
of steer is like a circle that have 2 fringles with angel 120 degree. In this case, the steering wheel is made with that rule so the driver can see the another instrument (gas, rem, kopling). Usually in steering wheel there is a horn and two lever (in right side and left side) which the function is to control a lamp, cleaning glass, turn lights, etc.

C.        Design for the Chair
The one important thing that support for comfortable for the human who used it, especially the chair is the size or the type that is same with the anthropometri of that human. So, with this, it will be make some comfortable.
The things that must be watched is
1.         The Height for seat back
2.         The deep and the width seat
3.         The Angle between seat back and cover seat
4.         The seat back for head
5.         The place for the seat
6.         The material
            In Design for chair, the  dimensions of distance work must be design too so that person who work or who on that location feel comfort with the chair and can do the work more effective and efficient. With the comfortable place, the driver can drive more comfortable and safe.

D.        The safety factors
The other thing that must very important is a thing that the function for keep the person or
human who used it so that the person will not displaced from his place. It can be called safety accessories. They are
1.      Seat belt
2.      The pillow for stand from the impact
3.      The seat back for head

E.        The Clutch
           Human have a power when their hand when make a elbow angel in 120-180 degree. In design for clutch on the car, we must consider that thing with another factors without make some changing in driver seat. If the position the driver is changing when move the clutch, it will be make some fatigue to his back and it will be make some accident. So, in design the clutch, the designer design the clutch very effienctly so the driver will not have some fatigue to his back.
There are another consider when placing the clutch, they are :

      1.      Easy to reach and determination of the place could do with location coding
      2.      Cultivated no form of the same. Due to the presence of the same shape will increase the reaction time for    the operation
                 From that description then the placement / position of the cluth 45 degree is on the left corner of the front sight with angle-elbow between 120 to 180 degrees. The maximum height as high as to the steering wheel and height of the lowest minimum is the SRL (reference Sheet Level).

E.        Hand brake
Hand brake is a instrument that controls must be easily to reach, so its placement must be
appropriate and in depends on  with the hands. The Factors that affect to the planning of the hand brake is the use of pressure against driver position, because the tensile force that works (at the time of sitting) can be changed according to the position of the hand toward the center of the seat. The best placement for the hand brake holder is in front of the driver's seat on the human waist height.

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