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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

The Application of Ergonomics Rule in Class Room

Ergonomics is a word that have 2 meanings that also have a meaning too. So ergonomics can be defined the rules in working. Generally, ergonomics defined as of science that studies about relation between the worker with the place which the worker work on it and also the tools which used for work.
Ergonomics is appear caused by accident that made from fatigue factor or the human factor and environmental factors that is not reck in a serious manner. The development ergonomics in some countries growing rapidly but in a particular country in its development very slow because depends on the social and cultural factors local.
On the learning process (in class room) involving the activity of read and write, if the class room or room for learning process is not comfortable for people who in it, it can make a bored, a muscle fatigue, a problem with eyes, etc, so it will make the result from learning process going badly.

For that, it need a application of ergonomics, they are :

1. The design of ergonomics in chair.
In order to comfortably seat used in class room, especially for study, so, the chair must be made with a same size with anthropometri of person who used that chair. The characteristic of chair which have a good ergonomics, are follows : 
a. The height from floor is about 38-54 centimeter.
b. Cushion should be slightly tilted backwards
c. Broad cushion should be adjusted to the size of the buttocks is about 40-45 cm and 38-42 cm
d. The backrest should be tilted slightly to the rear

 (This is the picture that show the good ergonomic on chair)

2. The ergonomics rule for design a desk.
If the desk is too high then the shoulder will more often raised at the time of writing or laying hands on the table and when it is too low then the posture would slouch at the time of writing. To solve this problem, we must choose the desk which can adapted with the person. Grandjean (1988) recommend that high of table for writing and reading in a sitting position is about 74-78 centimeters for males and about 70-74 centimeters for females.

                    (A ergonomics Desk)

3.The Ergonomics rule in the placement of the Board, OHP, Screen and the LCD display.
Blackboard, screen, OHP and LCD screen which is used as a learning tool, the placement of the Board should take into account the students who sat the front and rear, for it height of Board must be depend with the eyes of students in a sitting position.
Other requirements are:
a. the material is not shiny
b. bright colors
c. the maximum width is adjusted to the orientation of the eyes. 

4. the Ergonomics rule in set lighting.
The set of lighting is very important because it will help during doing the work and make comfortable situation and also can make our muscles of eye are not tired easily when we will see the objects. Bad setting in the class room (not comfortable, low light, the height of chair is not same with anthropometri person who use it, the distance from blackboard to student too close or too far, and the time which use to study is too long) it will make some uncomfortable and bored.

The function of ergonomics rules are :
1.      Increase the physically and mentally by deleting or erasing additional worked which can make some diseases caused work
2.      Increase the comfort during do some work
3.      Increasing social welfare to improve the quality of contacts with fellow workers, a better organizing and turn on the system of community in the workplace;